The Incredible Disappearing Layoffs
Sunday, January 5th, 2003Did
To no-one’s surprise,
Update: Not related to layoffs, but
To no-one’s surprise,
Update: Not related to layoffs, but
I was going to write a quick entry about a custom license plate generator I found via some guy’s blog.
But then I saw some plates on their Recent License Maker Licenses page. When I visited, they included:
There were several variants on that theme. The fact that someone would take the time to select Wyoming and craft this stuff causes me more sadness than I can explain.
I mean, they killed
I have a certain amount of tolerance for the incredibly stupid. A low tolerance, but it’s still there. When I see
But I have my limits. Take this banner ad:
A chance to own authentic items from the movie? Wow! Except… wasn’t that a fucking animated movie? A computer-generated animated movie? Why yes, yes it was. The items that Yahoo! assures us “come directly from the making of Ice Age” include: a book, a t-shirt, a finger puppet, and a “pencil kit.” Own a piece of history, kids.
You MUST be kidding me. First, it’s bad enough that I am awake at this ungodly hour. (My alarm went off almost an hour ago!) But what do I wake up to? The soothing sound of robins or some other freaking bird that would somehow be hanging around my window in November?
Nope. It’s a fucking JACKHAMMER.
Yes, that’s right, the construction project across the street was not satisfied with just coordinating all their equipment so at least one guy was beep-beep-beep-backing up at all times. They had to get a guy ripping up the curb.
I’m thinking I may need to reprise my city council appearance. (At home, I chastised the council for attempting to pass a noise ordinance. Here, I think it’s a great idea. But forget the kids with stereos — I say shut down the Caterpillars.)
OK. End it’s-way-too-early rant. Let the weekend begin.