Next: Bid on Popeye’s Actual, Authentic Homemade Pipe!

I have a certain amount of tolerance for the incredibly stupid. A low tolerance, but it’s still there. When I see Olive Garden commercials that purport to show some woman in Italy who creates their dishes and supposedly teaches their cooks — err, chefs — how to make food, I try not to think of the fact that this is the same chain owned by a company based in Orlando that also brings you Red Lobster and Bahama Breeze (which is of course genuinely Caribbean. Now hiring in Cincinnati, Detroit, Cleveland…)

But I have my limits. Take this banner ad:

A chance to own authentic items from the movie? Wow! Except… wasn’t that a fucking animated movie? A computer-generated animated movie? Why yes, yes it was. The items that Yahoo! assures us “come directly from the making of Ice Age” include: a book, a t-shirt, a finger puppet, and a “pencil kit.” Own a piece of history, kids.

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