Archive for the 'Team Pink' Category

Shut Up, Bitch

Friday, December 13th, 2002

So Marvel’s announced a comic with a gay hero. What a step forward, blah blah… Big deal.

Predictably, there’s some Sally Struthers-lookin’ chick whining it will mess kids up. God, I’m so fucking tired of hearing about the children and how we must protect them. That’s all well and good, but adults — hell, teens — live here too. Let’s get over this unhealthy obsession with using the single-digit-age set as a rhetorical tool to manipulate every little element of our culture.

Also, I don’t know where the wench gets the idea that children will read it, anyway. When’s the last time you saw a kid reading a comic book?

(And yeah, I’m a bit bitchy myself. Maybe I should go back to writing about spectrum.)

No Rest for the Wicked

Wednesday, December 4th, 2002

I was going to write a quick entry about a custom license plate generator I found via some guy’s blog.

But then I saw some plates on their Recent License Maker Licenses page. When I visited, they included:

Imitation Wyoming custom plate reading 'FAG'   Imitation Wyoming custom plate reading 'FKNFAG'

There were several variants on that theme. The fact that someone would take the time to select Wyoming and craft this stuff causes me more sadness than I can explain.

I mean, they killed him. Jesus. They killed him.

Team A Gets One

Tuesday, November 12th, 2002

Well, the Matrix presentation may not have gone as smoothly as I’d hoped, but the professor still seemed pleased. We got an A, and his evaluation sheet begins: “An excellent job, in every way, by each and everyone on the team!” The man’s a sweetheart, of course, so you have to allow for that. (Random thought: I wonder if B-don has ever used the word “sweetheart” to describe any person. Ever.)

Team B presented on What Dreams May Come today, and while it would not be sporting to comment on their visuals, I will say that their frame grabs were muddy. It looked like they had to run a DVD player through some sort of Dazzle-like device, pausing the machine to grab stills. Bummer. (They also hooked up the player to show scenes, which is by far the smarter way to save time. We of course used custom AVI clips.)

We talked and decided to re-work the three upcoming presentations. Now instead of being part of 150 minutes of group presentation + 20 min individual, we will each be part of about an hour of presentations.

This leaves two questions: 1) How will my group of 10 split into two? There’s politics involved, as you’d expect. The fact that we have 5 foreign nationals makes things a bit more complicated. 2) What will my individual presentation be on? One of the assignment choices lists sexual orientation. I’d really like to do a comparison of the visual style of QaF UK vs. US. But standing up in what amounts to an open hallway, in front of 20 people, talking about gay stuff? I really don’t think I have the stones. The queer thing is totally my kryptonite.