Copyeditor Watned

In an ever-changing world, sometimes it’s nice to know that there are certain things that never change. Demi Moore, for instance.

In Fort Dodge, one institution stands above all others: the Fort Dodge Messenger. It is a paper of such awe-inspiring suck that it defies all description. The (mostly) good people who put out this bad paper have managed to maintain a consistently low level of quality even as the future encroached: a switch to QuarkXPress for page layout, an all-digital darkroom… none of these impeded the paper’s steady journey to the bottom. (Proving once again that it’s the artisan and not the tools that make the project.)

I was worried that perhaps in my absence this semester the Messenger might secretly have gotten better. The days of a headline advising of Chinese “ware games” or box scores noting a certain player “sucks dick” might have come to an end.

I had nothing to worry about.

24 Nov FD Messenger, headline: Taking with kids about sex is necessary

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