Hello, Moto Siemens

Now have a new phone with a new number. Plus a new SIM card with the old number. (Don’t ask.) So everything new is old again.

The phone didn’t come in time for me to get a text from Simon informing me he couldn’t make it to Quiz Night, so I ended up going by myself. Just as I had decided to do a solo team named “Penultimate” (for where I expected to place) I ran into a guy I’d met on our first night there.

He and I managed to place fifth, which was pretty good. The Quizmaster praised our team for having “the highest per-head score,” but the real fun came with one of the questions. It was three points for “In mobile phones, what does ‘SIM‘ stand for?”

I was the only one in the whole bar to get it right — because I’d looked it up not an hour before! Naturally, when people asked (such as the Welsh guy who said “How the fuck did you know that? Do you work for the wireless company?”) I just smiled in what I hoped was a mysterious fashion.

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