Bowlin’ with the Homies

Had a good time yesterday. Matt came over about 2 and we went out to eat, then drove around, having a good conversation. Then we split up for awhile and I read some of Lessig’s book, lounging lazily on my good chair. Jesse found me near dozing an hour or so later, and then we had a good conversation that ranged from the specialty of “journalism” vs. “mass communication” through to what we planned to do with the rest of our lives.

Then, logically, we went bowling.

The three of us — Matt, Jesse and myself — made a surprisingly good bowling combination because we were all not so good. We each talked a little smack but none of it was taken seriously. I almost won the first game with 112, but then Jesse pulled it out. Matt won the second. I convinced them to play for a third, which I called “a tiemaker, err, tiebreaker.”

Final result of that game? I won with a 149, including a 10th frame “turkey.” Good times.

P.S. Happy birthday, Jesse!

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