Another Low-Level Celeb
I don’t usually lift entire briefs from StudioBrief (would that be fair use?), but this one begs for comment:
Paul Hogan To Portray “Straight-Gay” Man
Crocodile Dundee star Paul Hogan will make his first fully Australian film in 16 years, when he returns to the country to star in Strange Bedfellows, about two straight men who declare themselves to be a homosexual couple to qualify for tax benefits, then have to learn how to behave like one when a tax investigator comes calling., the Australian Associated Press reported today (Tuesday). Hogan told the wire service that the Bedfellows script was the funniest he had ever read. “It’s the first script I’ve had where I thought, ‘I don’t have to rewrite any of this’,” he added.
Just as a refresher about Hogan’s ability to spot/create good writing, I present his writing credits. Yep. Exactly.