John’s Translation Service
The West Wing has spoiled us. Politicians who actually say what they mean? A press secretary who is funny and candid? Yep, this must be television.
Here’s how it works in the real world:
Q. Ari, the President was very clear last week, he wanted a vote in the Security Council: “it’s time for countries to show their cards.” And now today, Secretary Powell says, among the options is to go for a vote, or not to go for a vote. What’s going on here?
Mr. FLEISCHER: Okay, let me try to share or inform you about where things stand in the fluid situation with the diplomacy.
The end is coming into sight, and there are numerous routes to reach that end through the diplomacy the President is pursuing. And the President has said that he seeks a vote, and we seek a vote. There are options, as the Secretary has said. I discussed with you this morning the possibility of the vote coming to a conclusion tomorrow, or it could continue into next week. There are numerous options to achieve in the end the President seeks, which is a diplomatic solution. I cannot predict for you every shape and turn of the road on the way to that end, but this end is coming into sight, and that’s why you’re seeing some levels of flexibility and discussion of options as it comes into sight.
That’s from Thursday’s White House press briefing. Now, allow me to translate.
Q. Ari, the President was very clear last week, he wanted a vote in the Security Council: “it’s time for countries to show their cards.” And now today, Secretary Powell says, among the options is to go for a vote, or not to go for a vote. What’s going on here?
Mr. FLEISCHER: blather blather blather Well, we’re afraid we’ll lose. blather blather blather