Wald Off

So I was sitting down to lunch, looking forward to completing Newsweek’s interview with Bode Miller (fawning post pending — and yay underclothed athlete covers!) when out of the corner of my eye, a face beckoned from a piece of mail.

‘Twas none other than the J.C.Penney Big & Tall catalog:
Josh Wald on the cover of JCPenney catalog

Does that guy’s face look familiar? I swear it’s Josh Wald, previously leered at featured in these pages.

Well, I’m here to tell you, folks, I can think of few things more depressing than seeing this achingly hot, tattooed skater boy transformed into proud papa of the Faux family.

OK, that’s not true. Of course I can think of things more depressing. For example, at least it’s not “The Lean Team”:
Booklet cover: 'Rose Presents: Canadian Bacon and You -- The Lean Team

2 Responses to “Wald Off”

  1. Your Favorite Sister Says:

    You cannot imagine how happy I am that you managed to put the “Canadian Bacon and You” ad campaign into your site. I always wondered where canadian bacon fit into my life and thanks to the lean team, I have been made aware.

  2. moogsyqueefbone Says:

    ahhh j you do make me laugh.
    thanks : )

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