Next: Telemarketing by Telegraph

I got this e-mail yesterday, so I had to double-check to make certain it wasn’t a hoax. But no: a company called “Paper Free Technology” is actually e-mailing out invitations for its document imaging seminar.

The catch: “Paper Free” is sending 300K TIFF files, and telling the reader to “print out the 2 page flier attached to this e-mail. Then complete page 2 of the flier with your registration information and fax it back.” If you prefer, the message continues, you can “1. Mail the completed form back; 2. Scan the completed form and e-mail it back; or 3. Call us.”

full page section

So you print out a piece of paper to register for a marketing presentation telling you how to use less paper? Have these people never heard of Web forms?

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