It was the night before Christmas…and my hand fucking hurt. Early in the Eve, I noticed some pain in my right hand. As the night wore on, it intensified until I was babying my hand. By bedtime (2a), I was wrapping presents left-handed.
Sleep was also long coming. As I tried to find a position that integrated elevation, circulation, and comfort, I only managed sleep in two hour snippets. After awaking to pain in my hand, I’d try to roll over and start again.
By breakfast Christmas Day, the situation was untenable. I called a “medi-dial” service and was told that she recommended I “escalate” the problem. Thirty minutes later, I was in the emergency room.
Following a trio of x-rays, the doc told me tendonitis looked like the culprit. He prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. I’m glad it’s not something more serious, but a terrifying question lingers in the recesses of my mind: is this a precursor to carpal tunnel?