Amazon‘s “Gold Box” feature has always seemed a bit bizarre to me. What is this random crap they’re shilling?
Pech got the ball rolling when he noted his contained a “factory-reconditioned shaver.” He had a fair question when he said, “Now I ask you, would you buy a used shaver?”
I thought reconditioned likely meant new blades, but he had a follow-up that would leave me speechless: “N Sync #1 Fan Barbie.” This mind-blowing product has a lever in the back that “when pressed as she holds the ‘N Sync poster in the air, makes her hands sway back and forth in true groupie fashion.” One reviewer appears to be in earnest when (s)he writes “My 7 year old daughter is just starting to like cd’s so this is a great cross over!” Probably should have been named Baby’s First Consumerist Drone.
I had no counter. Pech‘s box contained more kitschy, scary treasures than mine did. But I didn’t come away completely empty-handed in the competition. I stumbled upon this:

Knives at a 97% discount? What a bargain! Does Chef Tony know about this?
This entry was posted
on Saturday, December 21st, 2002 at 4:59 am and is filed under WtF..
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